trade wind
- 信风;(不停地吹往赤道方向的)信风,贸易风

The coupling oscillation between the Southern Oscillation and the sea surface temperature and trade wind
In addition , the correlation between southern oscillation and the trade wind over the Pacific is analysed .
The north trade wind region off California ;
And the trade wind is rising .
The trade wind is a kind of natural cold source in spring , autumn and winter .
Several Response Modes of Tropical Ocean to the Southern Asia Monsoon and the Pacific Trade Wind Forcing
The trade wind cell is , on the average , confined to30 degrees poleward of the equator .
By using dynamical and numerical methods , several response modes of tropical ocean to the southern Asia monsoon and the Pacific trade wind forcing are discussed .
The oscillation of trade wind over the Western Pacific in summer , 1976 and its relation to the general circulation of the atmosphere in the tropics
A comparison of mean wind field and mean meridional circulation between south-west monsoon area in South-East Asia and Pacific trade wind area in july , 1958
In addition , other elements , such as trade wind over the North pacific , Southern Oscillation Index and Antarctic sea ice , etc. , are also mentioned .
The southeast winds prevail at low latitudes ( from 25 ° S to the equator ) i.e , the trade wind zone .
He only needed the feel of the trade wind and the drawing of the sail . Rocking back and forth , she felt the warm breeze on her face .
The mechanism joining the monsoon circu-lation to the trade wind circulation over the Pacific LOW-LATITUDES during summer season the circulation in south-west area of the South China Sea
Another finding of this research is that the African-Asian monsoon circulation is weaker and the trade wind over the tropical eastern Pacific is weaker as well after this transition .
Numerical experiments show that : in low latitude , the cumulus convection effects can intensify the north-east monsoon wind and north-east trade wind , keep ITCZ from transferring southward further .
Following arguments have been pointed : Mei-yu phenomenon is occurrence in the transition region between the Indian Summer Monsoon System and the trade wind ( or Hadley ) system over the tropical North Pacific ;
In trade wind regions , the biases in fluxes from the biases in algorithm are about 3-4 times of the biases in the fundamental flux-related variables and 1-2 times in equatorial regions .
Short-term forecasting of wind power is useful to primary and secondly reserve control and unit commitment for power system operation , and is useful to wind turbine control , unit commitment and scheduling , maintenance scheduling and trade strategy for wind farm .